Emergency Closure and Bad Weather Procedures
Meadowbank Primary has two emergency plans. If we need to put plans into action we will let you know via Class Dojo.
Snowy day plans – communicated via Class Dojo to parents
If there is very heavy snow the parent path will be closed and all children will enter school via the front, main school office door. They will be met by school adults and younger children will be escorted to their classrooms. Our older children will make their own way to their classrooms.
If the snow melts during the day children will have their usual breaks outside and the parent path will be open at the end of the day.
If the snow does not melt before home time, the children will leave school by the doors at the front of school and around the office area.
Emergency closure or partial closure plans – communicated via Class Dojo to parents
It is extremely unlikely that Meadowbank would need to close and all possibilities would be considered and put in place before a decision not to open or part close would be taken. A closure decision would only be taken if it was felt that school would be unsafe to open, for example if the boiler had broken and could not be repaired in a reasonable time scale, a flood in school or if there was an illness effecting a significant number of staff and we did not have enough adults to care for our children.
If we did need to close we would communicate via Class Dojo and share whether all of school was closed or, if a partial closure, which classes would be effected. If a class was closed for some children all siblings would be expected to be in school. We will keep parents informed via Class Dojo about when children can return.