At Meadowbank Primary School, regular, open communication and consultation is highly valued. We place an emphasis on promoting and supporting parent and carer participation in their child's education because we know that by working together, we can ensure the best outcomes for our pupils. 

We facilitate different opportunities for parents and carers to get involved in school life, for example, Parent Workshops. Parent Forum meetings, opportunities for parents to join learning alongside their child in class, parental training events and Parent Working Parties. Our aim is to provide information, support and guidance as well as to gather parent voice on different topics, which will help the school to develop and improve.

We also have an active Friends of Meadowbank group who plan events throughout the school year, for example. If you are interested in becoming involved in the PTA or in attending any of our parent communication events, please email the school office at for more details.

Parent Forum meetings are held termly and are an important part of how our school continues to grow and improve. Everyone is welcome and we share a coffee whilst talking about the next steps for school, including the development of key policies, sharing ideas and making decisions together. 

Throughout the year, school offers a number of training sessions for our parents and are always pleased to see many parents joining in. Some examples of our offer are; helping your child with maths, helping your child with reading, computing skills and British Sign Language.


Meadowbank Primary School Communication Systems

© Copyright 2019–2025 Meadowbank Primary School

Education Learning Trust. Registered address: Hawthorn Road, Gatley, Cheadle, Cheshire, SK8 4NB. A charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales (company number: 09142319)

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